Each year on September 21, Rotary joins with peace advocates around the world to observe the United Nations International Day of Peace. Last year’s theme, Cultivating a Culture of Peace, underscores the global need to foster mutual understanding, goodwill, and peace within our communities—the cornerstone of Rotary’s mission.
Rotary clubs and districts implement sustainable projects to bring about positive, lasting change in communities locally and globally. Through our focus on promoting peace, we take a holistic approach to addressing the underlying causes of conflict and building more peaceful societies. To support this goal, we provide education, training, and capacity-building to help understand howto prevent and resolve conflict successfully
Ahead of Rotary Peace Day, September 21, we have posted links to general information about the Rotary Peace Center and interviews with our fellows, Rotary Peace Fellows.
If you would like to see more recordings, please contact me. rydbrant@telia.com
Join us in creating a peaceful universe. Together, we can make a positive change in every corner of the universe.