

Rotary is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from any kind of harassment, which includes unwelcome physical contact, advances, or comments. Anyone who attends or participates in Rotary meetings, events, or activities must help establish conditions that promote safety, courtesy, dignity, and respect for all. This approach, of course, applies even if you are not a Rotarian.

What is harassment?

Link to see an example

What is a microaggression?

Link to see an example


Further missions

Celebration Rotary

We want to congratulate Rotary International, which turns 120 years old in 2025. We do that by being a "passenger" on a spacecraft that orbits Earth twice and will launch in mid-June, 2025.

The computer chip on this flight will be recovered and will be displayed in the Rotary Museum in Evanston.

More info later on.

2026 Landing on the Moon

Once again we have the privilege of being on a trip to the moon.

More info later on.